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English    |    +852 2781 3757    |     cs@mmtechhk.com
MM Technology Limited - 文明科技有限公司

MM Technology Limited

Degaussing | MM Technology Limited

資料/硬碟/磁碟/磁帶 消磁銷毀服務

我們提供數據消磁服務。 我們配備ADC MagWiper MW-15X消磁器,符合美國國防部DoD HIPAA、FACTA、Sarbanes-Oxley和UL證書標準,以及NSA安全標準和香港政府要求。 無有害電磁輻射,對身體健康無干擾。

ADC 消磁器 DEA-MD15X (MW15000) 10,000 Oersteds,可徹底擦除最新的大容量高矯頑力硬盤和DLT、DAT、LTO、CMT、VHS、軟盤等所有盒式磁帶。


直接聯繫我們, 把您的需求告訴我們的專業團隊, 一起製訂最適合您的解決方案

分銷 / 合作夥伴
Microsoft Partner | MM Technology Limited
Dell Technologies Partner | MM Technology Limited
Adobe Partner | MM Technology Limited
AWS Partner | MM Technology Limited
HPE Partner | MM Technology Limited
ASUS Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
APC Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Kaspersky Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
ATEN Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
DrayTek Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Synology Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Odoo Partner | MM Technology Limited
漢科 Hornington Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Red Hat partner | MM Technology Limited
Austin Hughes Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
聯強 Synnex Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Honeywell Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Western Digital Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Zebra Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Huawei Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
BitTitan Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Lenovo Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
China Industrial Securities International Financial Group Limited, 興証國際
Caritas Youth and Community Service, 明愛青少年及社區服務
HK Institute of Vocational Education
Hong Kong Design Institute & HK Institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee), 香港知專設計學院
Centre for Virology, Vaccinology and Therapeutics Limited, 病毒與疫苗研究中心
Po Leung Kok 保良局
Centre for Advances in Reliability and Safety Limited, 產品可靠性暨系統安全研發中心