中文    |    +852 2781 3757    |     cs@mmtechhk.com
中文    |    +852 2781 3757    |     cs@mmtechhk.com
MM Technology Limited - 文明科技有限公司

MM Technology Limited

Degaussing | MM Technology Limited

Data Degaussing & Destroy Service

We provides data degaussing service. We are equipped with ADC MagWiper MW-15X degausser, with compiles with the USA Department of Defense DoD HIPAA, FACTA, Sarbanes-Oxley and UL Certificate Standard, as well as NSA Security Standard and HK Government requirements. There is no harmful electromagnetic radiation and no interference to physical health.

ADC Degausser DEA-MD15X (MW15000) is 10,000 Oersteds and can completely erase the latest, large capacity, high coercivity hard drives and all cartridge tapes such as DLT, DAT, LTO, CMT, VHS and floppy Disk.

How can we help you?

Tell our professional team about your need, and work out the most suitable solution for you

Partner / Authorized Reseller
Microsoft Partner | MM Technology Limited
Dell Technologies Partner | MM Technology Limited
Adobe Partner | MM Technology Limited
AWS Partner | MM Technology Limited
HPE Partner | MM Technology Limited
ASUS Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
APC Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Kaspersky Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
ATEN Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
DrayTek Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Synology Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Odoo Partner | MM Technology Limited
漢科 Hornington Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Red Hat partner | MM Technology Limited
Austin Hughes Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
聯強 Synnex Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Honeywell Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Western Digital Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Zebra Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Huawei Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
BitTitan Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Lenovo Authorized Reseller | MM Technology Limited
Our Customers
China Industrial Securities International Financial Group Limited, 興証國際
Caritas Youth and Community Service, 明愛青少年及社區服務
HK Institute of Vocational Education
Hong Kong Design Institute & HK Institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee), 香港知專設計學院
Centre for Virology, Vaccinology and Therapeutics Limited, 病毒與疫苗研究中心
Po Leung Kok 保良局
Centre for Advances in Reliability and Safety Limited, 產品可靠性暨系統安全研發中心